About Tillie


Tillie Dyck, ParCBP is the Creator and Director of Sagestones, she is a certified PaRama Bodytalk Practitioner (ParCBP) and a full member of The Natural Health Practitioners of Canada Association (NHPC). Since 2006 Tillie has achieved a Cultural Assessment Certification Training (CTT) certification with the Barrett Values Center where she is branching out her wellness processes for both individual clients and in group settings.

Tillie considers herself a lifelong student and seeker as well as a practitioner. Her vision of integrated radiant health for mind, body and soul is the foundation of her work and the basis of her goals of empowerment and wellness for all her clients.

Tillie’s unique expertise is working with groups to develop the vision and strategy with the leadership and culture imperative. With a background in the personal holistic wellness field, Tillie has evolved those abilities to working with corporations and leadership groups and individuals. She brings an intuitive understanding to the design, facilitation, and sustainability of transformational programs.

Area of Specialization:

– Working with leaders and teams to set direction, develop strategy and use intuitive decision making tools.

– Group effectiveness and awareness development using extensive experience in her creation of Personal Holistic Plans.

– Designing and managing whole-system initiatives to shift culture

– Building High Cohesive Team Cultures

– Design and implementation of tailored corporate culture transformation programs

– Using The BodyTalk System based on dynamic systems theory and heart coherence within businesses, communities, and schools so the whole entity can harmonize, synchronize, repair and dissolve disharmonious energy connections within the culture

– Co-Create coherent teams aware of the value they bring to the table

– Connection creation to evolve communication skills within projects

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